Occupation\ Job title: Assistant professor in Department of Physical Therapy for Surgery.
Education: -Assistant professor: 2018 Department of Physical Therapy for Surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.
-PHD in physical therapy (surgery) 2012, faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University.
-Master of Science in Physical Therapy (Surgery) 2004-2009 ,faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University.
-Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy 1997-2002, faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University.
-Assistant professor in May University since September 2022.
Work history: -Assistant professor of physical therapy for surgery and burn in Must University.
-Head of physical therapy for neurology department in Must University.
-Assistant professor of physical therapy for surgery in Cairo University from February 2018.
- Research Outputs& publications:
1-Low Level Laser Therapy for the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia after Oral surgeries: Two Different Applications (March2015, Internation J of Health& Rehabilitation science Vol.,4,1: 10-18).
2-Psoralen plus Ultra –violet A therapy versus topical Psoralen on skin thickness in chronic hand eczemaEfficacy of Posterior Tibial Nerve Electrical Stimulation on Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: The 16th International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Physical Therapy, Cairo 5-6 March 2015.
3- Effect of Aerobic and Resistive Exercises on Resting Energy Expenditure and Lean Body Mass during Paediatric Burn RehabilitationThe beneficial effects of low intensity laser acupuncture therapy in chronic tonsillitis. IJPOT; April-June 2012, Vol. 6, No. 2, 54-58.
4-Preoperative respiratory physical therapy program as après-rehabilitation to improve inspiratory muscle function and quality of life in patients undergoing upper abdominal surgeries: a prospective randomized controlled trial Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy 2016, 21:17–22.
5-High intensity physical training exercise program in improving breast cancer related fatigue Int J Physiother. Vol 3(1), 29-34, February (2016).
6-Efficacy of negative pressure therapy versus Monochromatic Infrared Energy (MIRE) on healing of venous ulcer: a randomized controlled trial International Journal of Chem Tech Research Vol.10 No.2 (2017).
7-Whole body vibration versus Tai Chi exercise for controlling balance in lower limb ulcers: A pilot randomized controlled trial Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy 2017.
8-Evaluation of low level laser therapy with different types on recurrent aphthous tomatitis: A Randomized Control Study International Journal of ChemTech Research [2017].
-The 13th International congress of faculty of physical therapy-cairo University under title of “Physical Therapy between Scientific Distinction and Therapeutic Novelty. 2010”
-“Physical therapy the future of the treatment"2013".
- International conference "No More Disabilities ".March 2015.
- The 17th international scientific conference of faculty of physical therapy- (Empowering disability)”2016”.
- The 18th international scientific conference of faculty of physical therapy- (2017).