
• Six Passport – Size Recent Photos
• Two Original Birth Certificate issued in the same year of admissions
• Copy of Student’s National ID (Egyptian Students only)
• Copy of Father’s National ID (Egyptian Students only)
• Student's Passport (Non-Egyptian Students)
• Military Service Form “Namozag 2 Gond + 6 or 7” (Egyptian male Students only)

From Egypt
CNISE Certificate
Original CNISE Slips authenticated from the Egyptian Ministry of Education Zone + Cabinet of Ministers (موثقة من رئاسة الوزراء + وزارة التربية والتعليم)
2- Proof of 12 years of schooling
- Original 3rd preparatory (الاعداديه) certificate (national system) + enrollment letter stamped from the school & the Educational Zone with the following 3 years
- OR Original 6th Primary (الابتدائيه) certificate (national system) + enrollment letter stamped from the school & the Educational Zone with the following 6 years
- OR Original enrollment letter of 12 years of schooling stamped by the school and the Educational Zone in case of spending 12 years in the international system
3-Arabic & Religion exam results stamp of (الادارة العامة للامتحانات

All the Above plus :
1. Arabic
2. English Language
3. Math
4. Chemistry
5. Physics
6. Biology
7. Elective subject
8. Two subject from L2 (including Bio OR Bio L3)

All the Above plus :
1. Arabic
2. English Language
3. Math
4. Chemistry
5. Physics
6. 2 elective subjects
7. Two subject from L2 (including Math OR Math L3)

All the Above plus :
1. Arabic
2. English Language
3. Math
4. + Student must take at least (4) More subjects